Tuesday 2 October 2007

Welcome to MEDS 2007: New Media

Part A of this module offers an introduction to theoretical issues in new media, particularly sociological questions surrounding the meaning and social impact of new media. Students will study new media within the context of social and critical theory, gaining an awareness of the relationship of new digital media to the older forms of media.

Purpose and Goals
Students in this course will develop critical analytical skills while becoming familiar with a variety of "traditional" and digital media; learn and then apply media/cultural studies theories and concepts ; write concise descriptive and analytical reviews; present their work to a group; and engage in academic conversations both online (by way of blog comments) and in seminars.

Class format
The class will meet once a week for a one-hour lecture. Students are also required to attend one seminar per week. Students are expected to attend only the seminar that is indicated on their timetable.

Lecture, seminar, and online participation in MEDS 2007 are essential. Students are expected to attend all lectures and seminars except for medical or other exceptional reasons (evidence may be required). Assigned readings or projects are expected to be read or completed before each lecture or seminar. Students are also expected to visit any online resources associated with the lectures (indicated either here or by the course or seminar leaders). Students are strongly encouraged to add their comments to this module blog.

Course materials
BAYER, GROPIUS & GROPIUS H, W & I, Bauhaus 1919-1928, Secker & Warburg, 1975.
FLEW, T, New Media: an Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2003.
LISTER, M ET AL, New Media: A Critical Introduction, Routledge, 2003.
MOHOLY-NAGY L, Vision in Motion, Paul Theobald, 1947.
VANDOME, NICK, Dreamweaver MX in Easy Steps, Computer Step, 2002.

In addition to these texts, writings from media theorists, artists, scientists and researchers from diverse fields will be made available either in lectures or seminars as handouts or as links from this site.

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